Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bus Plans in His Hands...

Although I haven't been too faithful about writing lately my family and I have been slowly continuing our bond with the bus in our yard.  In fact we had our first Mexican food dinner inside our little castle over this last three day weekend!  Then yesterday evening we got all motivated and took out about 8 seats.  
One step at a time we are taking them out and now we only have a third of them left!  Also, did I mention that a local coffee shop (Symposium in Sherwood) will be taking our bus seats?  They won't be wasted.  I'm super excited to see what my friend Amanda will do with them.  
As you can see we have lots to do still, but the plans are coming together day by day.  Our latest crazy thought is to tear up the floor, lay down plastic, plywood, and a dark epoxy paint with glow in the dark glitter blown in as it's all laid down.  Research shows it's one of the best water proof floorings for an interior, so that's the party bus plan for now.  Anyway, we have an open house work day this Saturday morning and hope to get the last of the bus seats out!  I'm planning to update again soon with pictures of the cleared floor.  I can hardly wait!  Until then though, enjoy your week and keep praying for our plans to follow Gods hands- xoxo.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Pressure Praying...

Where do you turn when things aren't going right?  When the pressure is on?  What happens to your attitude when the unthinkable happens to you?  Who do you turn to?

These are questions I ask myself to check my heart and my soul.  I am not living for this world.  Nope.  "Love The Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength." That is the goal!  
To look in love on my Savior in my darkest of moments.  I need my eyes to be set apart from this world, attention full on The Lord.  Yes, in the sad times when I fail and realize it right away, God is merciful to convict me quickly...  I don't want sin to grow as a seed under the thick black of my insides...  Somehow I need my fragile, inconsistent emotions to be radiantly exposed to the Light all the time!  The only way I have found this to be possible is when my eyes are fixed on who God is- if I sound like a broken record about Jesus, it's because I am serious!!!
My life would not exist or have meaning without Him.  I thirst and hunger for His Words.  My heart yearns for His affection.
As intense as these passions feel- all these desires for Love are good!  But they must only be met within His faithful and forgiving arms.  
My Hope must be firmly set on God.  He is an anchor for my faith.  When the waves of life crash over me I can find peace in knowing that every storm has a purpose in His perfect plan- yes even when people (or when I) try to do selfish things to sink or blast this boat of mine down.  
"Count it all Joy when you encounter various trials." What a command to Live Abundantly!  It's hard to imagine "feeling" joy in the midst of heartache, and yet, in Jesus my heart is made NEW and every heartache that tries to stab at me in this life, only leaves a scar because Jesus keeps on healing and renewing.  There can be joy in the midst of pain because my God never forsakes those who Love Him.
Oh that we would love you- that I would love you- fully!  Everyday, in every triumph and every trial.  You are God and there is no other.  My heart is pressed against yours and I can't let go because You are holding onto me.  Thank you dear Jesus. I don't deserve this Love but it is real and overwhelming.  May your children rejoice in their circumstances and find You ever faithful with the peace you freely share that is supernatural and amazing.  In your grace I sit quietly before You, amen and amen...

Monday, August 4, 2014

Potty Talk

No really though, my life just entered the phase of toddler potty training today.  So I am literally going to talk potty talk in this blog post.  You have been warned!
Once you are a parent, hopefully, you will understand that this is a momentous occasion, the day your first baby is old enough to take care of his own business.  That is, my little guy at least knows when he needs to go now.  Lol.  I'm still going to have to help with the wiping business, but one day (one glorious day) he will be able to do it all on his own!  Even better, the day he cleans the bathroom for me.  Oh God is good to give us tired mamas beautiful, simple things like these to look forward to.  Haha.
Let me continue though, because truly I have been feeling very behind in my parenthood due to my little guys lack of interest in being a big boy and going in the potty.  Today however marks the first day of a new era.  Are we ready for messes, Yes; ready for random stops in our day, Yes; ready for rewards and excitement, of course. We are both as ready as we will ever be I think.  Who would've thought this crazy phase in the toddler years would cause such commotion?  So, here we go!

Every 30 minutes and we are off :)

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Little Bus, Big Dreams

Yes, I am young, maybe a little crazy, and definitely easily excitable but still this bus dream is actually becoming a reality in my life tomorrow.  That is, Lord Willing, my hubby and I will be moving it into our backyard on Friday, and then the transformation process will begin!  So, I figured, it was about time to start blogging our journey.  One step at a time, prayer after prayer, we are moving forward in faith!
As I think about the beginnings of this dream, having a house bus, my thoughts rush back to stories and pictures of times before I was even born.  You see, when my mom was a young girl she would often help teach Bible stories out of a bus  that my grandpa had remade into a classroom.  Yep, you heard that right, my grandpa used to renovate long vehicles into lovely living spaces before my hubby and I had the crazy idea ourselves.  
This bus dream tracks back to the days my husband was in a rock band too.  When we first met, he was playing guitar everyday, writing songs and hoping to share his music in front of audiences someday.  He did eventually get to travel around in a car with a trailer full of band equipment, but it wasn't quite a luxury tour bus.  As we began dating at the end of highschool and thinking through a possible life together, it was so much fun to imagine a full time life on the road, sharing a passion for music, art, and beauty with everyone around us, but most of all, we agreed early on, that God would have to lead the way.
Fast forward about ten years and, here I am, blogging away at 6am in my cozy kitchen that smells like fresh peppers and cheesy eggs.  After the yummy breakfast, I said goodbye to my handsome hubby (*swoon* my highschool sweetheart), and then he grabbed his lunch box and left for work.  He and I are living the "American Dream"- owning an adorable little home together, a sweet ride in the driveway, and taking care of two gorgeous kiddos.  I can't really imagine wanting life to be any other way!  I am so blessed right now, as it is.  So, with all this goodness, why would I want to buy a bus?  

I do believe that any person would ask themselves the very same question: 

Why a bus?

To which I will reply:

Why not a bus?!

No, but really, I hope it won't be unsatisfying to anyone for me to just say that I think this is something my family and I are supposed to do!  The most important things in my life really aren't going to change- I will still be looking toward God to lead the way, my hubby will be a hottie and a hardworker, and our kids will be the sweet gifts that we enjoy and care for each day.  The difference will be in our proximity to each other, a bus will literally make us a lot more physically close as a family, and ultimately, my prayer is that we will be more intimately connected as a whole and to The Lord and His Will for our lives.  I also hope that God will use this little bus to inspire thankfulness for simple living, a sense of His great adventures, and a deep loving unity among my friends and all those I have yet to meet!

This bus dream still feels pretty surreal right now!  Tomorrow will drive the reality straight into my yard though, so the strange awakening will happen soon.  Stay tuned and join my family and me, we are probably going to need all the help we can get.  

Also, here is a blog I am beginning that is specifically for documenting our bus pregression:

Blessings to you fellow traveller ;)

"I raise my eyes to the mountains, where does my help come from?  My help comes from The Lord, the Maker of Heaven and earth." - Psalm 121:1&2

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Jane Eyre and Beautiful Language

Truly, eloquent words inspire the mind!  My dear little sister and I just finished watching Jane Eyre at this ridiculous hour of 3am.  What a hertwrenching and unimaginably hard story!  And yet, through each emotional high and low, between the scenes of her story, I am no stranger.
As a young woman myself, I am not separated from Jane's overwhelming feelings and haunting memories.  I would even openly deduce that we have all, as human beings, at one time or another, even in the very simplest of forms, felt every consuming reality of love that Jane felt.
Maybe there is still life to be lived in your own story in order to fully understand the love and righteousness that Jane's story transpires.  However, the whole thing is oddly relatable even though Jane's character is written from a very unique perspective of a person whose life is so different from our American lives today.  Her walk through loneliness, persecution, pride, rejection, humiliation, and suddenly friendship, kindness, hope then death.  And, oh how recently I have experienced the last few steps, yes, Jane, you feel like an old friend.
One who doesn't give up in the face of death, but rather stands up, learns, teaches and moves on, never forgetting the deep love that friendship and truth gave.  Hastening ahead to a new chapter of growth, this girl is faced with mystery and independence!  While she is also placed within a new realm of responsibility and relevance.  Suddenly with this new frame of mind, her ideas and dreams begin to crowd around her and to make her feel stuck in her surroundings.  Desires come heavily upon her to explore even more of the power found in the freedom that she has only begun to taste.
Liberation drives her on to exercise her body and suddenly a strange event occurs which alters her entire life forever.  She meets someone!  A person who needs her more than either of them could have ever imagined.  
From the first meeting of Mr. Rochester a long line of strange and yet lovely happenings begin.  Apologetic at first, Jane asks to be of service to this man she has only just met.  He replies roughly, annoyed at the circumstances he has fallen into (literally).  And yet, as he says out loud later, this young girl has bewitched him and he, in turn, seems to have bewitched her as well.  
Isn't that how love seems to feel when we first are interrupted by it?
Love changes everything!
In fact, just like the idea of magic, it is powerful and it feels so unexplainable.  It dominates our thoughts and opens up the very darkest parts of our souls.
May I remind you that Jane is just another symbol of the truth that God is Love.  He is also mightily in Control, even though things may seem all wrong at times, He has a good and gracious plan.  A design that is set aside especially for those who choose to trust Him wholeheartedly.
I hope that wasn't too crazy a jump or conclusion, but this story of Jane so vividly portrays the passions that follow in my own daily life, I can't help but reflect them back to the Romance of my Savior.
He loves us with such a fervent and wonderful love, stronger than even the echo of Jane and Edward.  And after just experiencing the up close and personal way that they ferociously cared for each other by watching them on film, it seems like I am saying a lot to compare them as a lesser love to my God.  Of course, Jesus really does love more passionately, but also more gently.  He loves Self sacrificially, in a way that Mr. Rochester only finally learned to do by the end of the story.

Oh how I pray I will learn to love beyond myself by the time my ending comes.  

Thank you dear Father for life. 

My greatest appreciation, Lord, is that I have been given the chance to Love...  Fully...  Inescapably...  Completely...  Through Your Love!

May I be filled with your strength each day, my dear Prince, to love as You have loved me...


Monday, June 9, 2014

Travel and Heaven

"There and back again..." -in the words of my dear hobbit friend, Bilbo Baggins, this little life of mine feels very much like that phrase right now.  We have been traveling for a week and half.  Our trip has been very eventful and exciting, full of fun family experiences...  And now we are travelling back home again!

My memory is racing just trying to keep every precious moment in tact.  Wedding thoughts from last weekend: my beautiful Bride friend, Rachel, who tried not to cry while saying her vows to her Groom, Jimmy's beaming face as he walked his new wife down the aisle, and Eric's weathered Bible that he challenged the wedding party with...  And then there was my brother Aaron as he walked into our old church with us last Sunday, giddy and brave, ready to see old faces again, praying on my knees in the nursing room, thankful for the blessing and responsibility of family, plus all the funny words of an awkward sermon that still encouraged the hearts of the congregation because the words were real and Gods Word always seeps out wisdom.  Hooray for the faithful!  Hallelujah for new beginnings and for second chances (and third, fourth, fifth, etc...).  Home is ahead, even if we aren't there yet...  

I could spend my whole life trying to remember all the things I want to keep close to my heart.  Some wonderful moments I could repeat over and over.  Isn't that what eternity is for, to soak up the awe inspiring glory of God (including the spots in this life that we may have missed Him)? He is redeeming the time and paving the way ahead.  Oh how God is so good!

This halfway place, in the car, can feel so long sometimes.  Similar to the way I feel when I think about eternity.  Moving inbetween.  And yet, I am fully alive right now, all here, driving along...  Watching the cars drive by, passing scenery, buildings, places, dreams, songs, food, people...  I have no deprivation of the senses or the fullness of living. No, I'm not quite there yet, but Jesus is here AND there.  "His Kingdom come..."  I am driven to seek out time with my Savior, to pursue Him in what's ahead, and to soak up the reality of heaven with Him forever.  And He is here!

"You live in a million places...  And because of You I come alive...  Your voice within me singing out: for Love of You.  It's all for You...
This road leads to Glory!"  
-Audrey Assad 

here we are...
And here we come!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Feeling like a Failing Peter...

Do you ever get angry at God for not letting you have more control over things?
Well...  I confess...  I sure do!  
How terrifying it is to admit this though, because in essence I am trying to BE God when I think that somehow I could do things better than Him.

My heart has been at a hard cross road these last couple of weeks, questioning and wondering why things are the way that they are.  Oh how evil creeps into life and it can be so overwhelming sometimes, and yet, it's all about perspective isn't it?  Am I going to choose to see things from my earthly, physical eyes, to look at life as if my view is all that there is OR am I going to seek out Gods view on things?  This is the great debate!  Every second of every day the battle lines are drawn and my heart is under fire.  It doesn't get easier does it?  The decisions only intensify as you grow older, because life only gets shorter as each day passes by.  So, who will I choose to worship?  Who will I choose to trust?  Myself or God?!
Scary isn't it?  When the question is out in front of your face like that...  You begin to relate to Satan himself...  Yikes!
So here I am.  Sitting at the crossroad again...  I want to choose Jesus!  In everyway, everyday!  But I am like Peter, denying my friendship with Him when the going gets tough...
All I can say is forgive me Lord...
My heart weeps as I realize who I am without you...

In comparison of Matthew 27 and Psalm 21: Jesus wore a crown of thorns...
but "placed a crown of pure gold" on our heads.  In what looked like defeat, Jesus was put on a cross... but He has Won, He is alive again: "how great is our joy in the victories You give!"

"Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever!  Amen." (Ephesians 3:20, 21 NLT)

Monday, January 6, 2014

The After Christmas Tradition...

I don't know about you but I usually still feel like celebrating after Christmas.  So we decided to copy some friends and make a little twelve days after Christmas celebration tradition, I have entitled it the Fruits of the Spirit HAT (you'll see why at the end) Some people use these twelve days as a countdown until the celebration of Epiphany (more info here: which you could totally do too.  It's just a simple virtue, action, and verse for each day but I love how the focus is on God and His many attributes.  Also, I did have some fun pictures attached originally...  But they don't want to load now, so maybe I will share those another year ;p. Anyway, enjoy:

Dec. 26th: Love

Write a Thoughtful Love Note!

"If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not LOVE, I gain nothing" - 1 Corinthians 13:3
"The world will know that you are My disciples by your LOVE for one another...  Greater LOVE has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends" John 13:35 & 15:13

Dec. 27th: Joy

Exercise just for the Joy of it (preferably with someone you love ;)

"Rejoice in Hope..." -Romans 12:12
"Shout for JOY to God, all the earth;" (Psalm 66:1 ESV)
"I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be JOYful and to do good as long as they live;" (Ecclesiastes 3:12 ESV)

Dec. 28th: Peace

Purposefully listen attentively today- and pray over who you listen to!

"Make every effort to live in PEACE with all men and to be holy..." - Hebrews 12:14
"And a harvest of righteousness is sown in PEACE by those who make PEACE." (James 3:18 ESV)
"PEACE I leave with you; my PEACE I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (John 14:27 ESV)

Dec. 29th: Patience

Take a long drive somewhere today...

"You also, be PATIENT.  Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand." (James 5:8 ESV)
"Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the PATIENT in spirit is better than the proud in spirit."(Ecclesiastes 7:8 ESV)

Dec. 30th: Kindness

Make it a point to verbally speak "thank you's" to the people around you!

"Whoever pursues righteousness and KINDNESS will find life, righteousness, and honor." (Proverbs 21:21 ESV)
"Be KIND to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."(Ephesians 4:32 ESV)

Dec. 31st: Goodness

Light candles and think on Gods Goodness today!  Write down favorite GOOD memories of the year.

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.  Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.  Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your GOOD deeds and praise your Father in heaven." - Matthew 5:14-16

Jan. 1st: Faithfulness

Cherish and celebrate those who have been faithful in your life- then make a favorite old time recipe :)

"In Love a throne will be established; in FAITHFULNESS a man will sit on it- One from the house of David [Jesus]- One who in judging seeks justice and speeds the cause of righteousness." - Isaiah 16:5 
"But be sure to fear The Lord and serve Him FAITHFULLY with all your heart; consider what great things He has done for you." - 1 Samuel 12:24

Jan. 2nd: Gentleness

Give a loved one a bubble bath or a jacuzzi soak, and take one too!

"A GENTLE tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit." (Proverbs 15:4 ESV)
"Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am GENTLE and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:29 ESV)
"He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and GENTLY lead those that are with young. (Isaiah 40:11 ESV)

Jan. 3rd: Self-Discipline 

Count to ten and take a deep breath before you speak straight from emotion- be prepared to face trials today!

"DISCIPLINE yourself for the purpose of godliness." - 1 Timothy 4:7
"Apply your heart to DISCIPLINE" - Proverbs 23:12

Jan. 4th: Humility

Offer to do an act of service...  Change a diaper, take out trash, clean something for someone else just to say "I love you"

"He has shown you, O man, what is good.  And what does The Lord require of you?  To act justly and to love mercy and to walk HUMBLY with your God." - Micah 6:8
"HUMBLE yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you" (1 Peter 5:6 ESV)

Jan. 5th: Assurance

Think on heaven today!  Is there anything better than trusting Jesus and knowing we will be face to face with Him in heaven?

"As for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth." - Job 19:25
"Truly, truly, I say to you whoever hears My Words and believes in Him who sent Me has eternal life." - John 5:24

Jan 6th: Truth

Read Gods Word out loud with your family.  Sing it too!

"Sanctify them by the TRUTH; Your Word is TRUTH"- John 17:17

In short, we celebrated: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control, Humility, Assurance, Truth and ultimately an ongoing thankfulness of Jesus as we  continued to celebrate right past his birthday.  Feel free to take and change any an all of the ideas above!  We have had a fun transition into the new year and I hope you have too.

May you be blessed and find a reason to celebrate everyday!  Jesus is alive.  We are children of the King.  Thanks for reading :)