These are questions I ask myself to check my heart and my soul. I am not living for this world. Nope. "Love The Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength." That is the goal!
To look in love on my Savior in my darkest of moments. I need my eyes to be set apart from this world, attention full on The Lord. Yes, in the sad times when I fail and realize it right away, God is merciful to convict me quickly... I don't want sin to grow as a seed under the thick black of my insides... Somehow I need my fragile, inconsistent emotions to be radiantly exposed to the Light all the time! The only way I have found this to be possible is when my eyes are fixed on who God is- if I sound like a broken record about Jesus, it's because I am serious!!!
My life would not exist or have meaning without Him. I thirst and hunger for His Words. My heart yearns for His affection.
As intense as these passions feel- all these desires for Love are good! But they must only be met within His faithful and forgiving arms.
My Hope must be firmly set on God. He is an anchor for my faith. When the waves of life crash over me I can find peace in knowing that every storm has a purpose in His perfect plan- yes even when people (or when I) try to do selfish things to sink or blast this boat of mine down.
"Count it all Joy when you encounter various trials." What a command to Live Abundantly! It's hard to imagine "feeling" joy in the midst of heartache, and yet, in Jesus my heart is made NEW and every heartache that tries to stab at me in this life, only leaves a scar because Jesus keeps on healing and renewing. There can be joy in the midst of pain because my God never forsakes those who Love Him.
Oh that we would love you- that I would love you- fully! Everyday, in every triumph and every trial. You are God and there is no other. My heart is pressed against yours and I can't let go because You are holding onto me. Thank you dear Jesus. I don't deserve this Love but it is real and overwhelming. May your children rejoice in their circumstances and find You ever faithful with the peace you freely share that is supernatural and amazing. In your grace I sit quietly before You, amen and amen...