Love in its entirety is lived out when it is acted out in the beautiful definition found in 1 Corinthians 13 (this chapter will probably blow my mind for as long as I live!). Humor me please as I refresh our memories on the beautiful realities of Love (even for those who don't believe in the Bible, I think we can all agree that what is described here is a profound definition of love):
"Love is patient, love is kind, it does not envy, it has no pride, love does not demand its own way, it does not seek its own, it's not easily provoked, it keeps no record of wrongs, speaks no evil, and rejoices in the truth, it bears and believes in all things, hopes in all things and endures in all things too" (a lyrical paraphrased version by Beckah Shae- a fav singer of mine- on 1 Corinthians 13). Amazing right? Love like that basically stops at nothing to express its devotion, care, beauty- and pretty much anything Good! Love is Incredible!
So with all that said, I would like to share a couple pictures of our newest addition to the bus, dedicating it before the blogging world, as our Platform of Love:
This special area is where we hope to have the kids bunk beds, a lush carpet/large rug, and a fun play area for our younger guests. I'm so excited at my hubby's brilliant design and so thankful to the Lord for keeping us going even amidst set backs like colds and craziness. Lol. Prayers for perseverance until the end are much appreciated! One day I hope everyone who reads this will be able to have dinner with us in our future home ;) may our love be pure towards you all as God has shown His love so powerfully in our own lives... We love you! Xoxo
Blessings to you friends!!!