Then, there was Sunday, we all were sick with colds and exhausted... I thought we had our babies area covered with leaders at church that morning but all our main leaders and their families were sick too! A crazy thing that hasn't really happened before, and really, God had it covered anyway because a couple of other lovely women stepped in instead. It was just a morning full of surprises!
Then Monday rolled along, groceries, cleaning, meal making, getting better still, and playing as much as I could with Nico... Not too crazy, but busy enough.
Tuesday morning was another wild ride though, our friend Ezekiel came over at 4:30 in the morning while his parents raced off to the hospital because his mom had gone into labor with baby number two! So my little guy and I enjoyed a day with our friend Ezekiel and went to visit with and meet our new baby friend, Asher, on Wednesday. My grandfather in Texas had a huge heart surgery that day too! And then my father in law went in for a more minor surgery right after that. Wednesday was a day of many prayers and much rejoicing!
After those exciting two days, we decided to lay low on Thursday. A few bills and letters to write and some shopping to do, but then we took it easy.
Mostly because we knew Friday was going to continue in adventures. Nico and I planned to drive with my aunt to Seattle for the day, in order to visit another homeschooling mom! It was a good thing- a stretch for my little Nico, as far as traveling in one day is concerned, but he survived- and I was encouraged as I listened in on and observed two godly women most of the day. Which brings me to today and my inspiration for this post...
We all had a discussion about what it looks like, feels like, is like... To be led by the Holy Spirit. Something we all agreed on as being an often overwhelming way to live! And, as we also agreed, whenever we are overwhelmed it is easy to just cry. In other words, it can just be emotionally exhausting to live by the Holy Spirit- he asks things of us that we feel are crazy sometimes and he wants us to obey Him even when we don't get the results we want from doing so. The key is to listen and obey!
Oh to listen and obey... What an almost ironic thing to have to learn daily from my lord and Savior, as though I am a toddler in training! That is, I am training my toddler to listen and obey right now ;) and so it's funny to be teaching something to my little guy that I am only learning how to do myself.
"For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law." - Galatians 5:17-18
Whoo! What an amazing truth- and what an incredible freedom we have in jesus christ! Writing out this crazy week is such a release. It is good to remember that my life is in Gods hands!
Wouldn't you agree that it is good to know God grasps you firmly in his loving hold?
"For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry,“Abba! Father!”" - Romans 8:14-15
May you continue into this next week with the security of His Love and the faith to walk in His steps- even when it feels crazy ;)
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