Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Overdue" musings...

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts You." - Isaiah 26:3

Isn't that a perfect verse to find in my devotional this morning?

God is full of surprises!  I really hadn't even thought twice about seeing this date- September 19th, 2013- without my little girl in my arms... but now I can say I am experiencing a new adventure.  Today I am officially "overdue," that is, i am still pregnant past my original due date.  Now I am just an extra ripe berry- Saphira will be super sweet!  Haha.  Or as my sister's friend said: "God is just adding some extra special touches."  Lol.
Such a strange thing to be "late" with my second baby though, after having been early (even if it was only two days) with my first.  Also, usually boys are late...  but I am having a girl!  What's up with this?  My mom was three weeks early with her second girl and I have her genes, so, truly, this is unexpected.  However, after 24 years of life I have at least learned one thing: the seemingly unplanned is not out of God's plan!
yes, that ironic reminder of my lack of control to make labor start on my own.  I mean, yes, there are suggestions on things you can do naturally- and they have been done- but unless I want medication or something obtrusive, then there really isn't much else I can do on my own now but wait!  And if I have to wait, I would much prefer to do so patiently.  It's funny though, I have had to remind myself that a due date is not a deadline...  obviously!  This isn't a college paper- we are talking about pregnancy here... Labor... and birthing a baby.  Lol.  It's funny how I have had to remind myself and be reminded that its okay to be late though, because when you have had a certain date stuck in your brain for awhile, it's hard to just forget it!
Oh and another unexpected and funny thing: any little change in body is suddenly a sign of "pre-labor."  Runny nose- yep, must be ready for the baby...  Lol.  Tight belly when baby moves- must be a contraction!  And, every moment is a possibility of bursting...  I'm a walking time bomb or as people like to remind me: "ready to pop!"  Yes, everyone has to wait for this baby, right alongside with me, it's just a funny place to be in as the actual body with the waiting piece inside of you.  As Nico likes to say with me: "Come, Fiera, come." Lol.
So, jumping ahead here, maybe Jeremy and I will steal away and get a date night in tonight.  Dates are wonderful, lovely, fabulous things!  It's not like there aren't still plenty of things to do without a newborn around- even though...  I really would like to hold her, see her, and kiss her sweet little face.  Also, there are still thank you cards to write out for all my kind an thoughtful friends who came to her baby shower...  and I had an idea to make a baby blanket out of some old gender neutral baby clothes of Nico's.  Not to mention, Nico and I could still use some "mommy and me" play dates before little sister comes.  
Anyway, all that to say, I am sure that God will provide exactly what it is that we need to do before Saphira is here.  Just as He will give wisdom and strength when she comes.  He is faithful and can see the full picture of what is ahead, so, may "His peace" be what my mind "stays on" always!

And really, waiting on Him is exactly where I should always be in life...  Whether pregnant or not!

"... Hope in the Lord from this time forth and forevermore." - Psalm 131:3

"But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. 

"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 
And He who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. 
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose." 
(Romans 8:25-28 ESV)


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