Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Bus Plans in His Hands...

Although I haven't been too faithful about writing lately my family and I have been slowly continuing our bond with the bus in our yard.  In fact we had our first Mexican food dinner inside our little castle over this last three day weekend!  Then yesterday evening we got all motivated and took out about 8 seats.  
One step at a time we are taking them out and now we only have a third of them left!  Also, did I mention that a local coffee shop (Symposium in Sherwood) will be taking our bus seats?  They won't be wasted.  I'm super excited to see what my friend Amanda will do with them.  
As you can see we have lots to do still, but the plans are coming together day by day.  Our latest crazy thought is to tear up the floor, lay down plastic, plywood, and a dark epoxy paint with glow in the dark glitter blown in as it's all laid down.  Research shows it's one of the best water proof floorings for an interior, so that's the party bus plan for now.  Anyway, we have an open house work day this Saturday morning and hope to get the last of the bus seats out!  I'm planning to update again soon with pictures of the cleared floor.  I can hardly wait!  Until then though, enjoy your week and keep praying for our plans to follow Gods hands- xoxo.