Sunday, December 8, 2013

Repeating Rest!

Seek Jesus First and...

When my brain is buzzing with possibilities and plans...  When my heart is overwhelmed... I am reminded that I need to rest... 

Love those around me 

Oh life is lovely 
when it can be 
full of time to think and rest...  

Seek Jesus First and...

Monday, November 18, 2013

What would you say?

If you could send one message to the whole world- a message that would be megaphoned into every home- what would it be?  I can't help thinking about the simple phrase- "Jesus Loves You"...  And what would our world look like if everyone actually knew that?  Obviously not everyone understands His Love when they hear about it- my whole life I have been learning new sides of His Love.  "Jesus Loves You" seems like a modern day cultural tag line in America, but it is more than that!  It is truth.  Truth sets us free!  The reality is that many people still have no idea about the simple and yet profound "I love you" message that Jesus brings.

How has Jesus' message of "I love you" changed my own life?  In every possible way!  Love changes everything you know ;) 

For example:
I actually want to live and to live to the fullest when I remember that I am loved fully with a purposeful and undying love from my Creator...
Hate dissipates when I remember that I am loved and that I am loved in such an all consuming way that my God would come and die for me just to prove His forgiveness over my selfish sins...
When I remember I am loved by the Savior who I wounded by my sins, I am filled with hope- hope that redeems the time, moving past my failures and making it possible by His strength to live successfully in His righteousness, in His grace alone.
Truth is found in the Love of God, truth that opens doors to a reality that I would overlook without Him!  There is a spiritual world past our flesh... Our souls were made for God... and without Him, there is empty pleasure.  My soul will never know it's full meaning- in this life or eternity- if I don't realize His Love and desire to love Him in return!

Jesus Loves You!

What will you say?


Sunday, November 10, 2013

25 versus 15

Being 25 isn't really all that different from being 15.  I'm still falling in love all the time with Jeremy and I still want to read through the Bible every year.  My voice still loves to sing and my heart longs to travel the world.  No, 15 and 25 just don't seem to be all that different inside.

The difference only begins to take form as I look around me.  Married for three years with two precious children now, living in Oregon, and our own cozy home.    Bills, menus, calendar to-do's, along with extra laundry and dishes.  This doesn't look like 15 anymore!  My clothes are a little bit bigger too ;p but that's normal right?  Lol.

Inside though, I still want to just read and write, then read and write some more.  I still dream of being an amazing cook and a clear communicator.  My thoughts are never too far from chocolate and new adventures.  Facing fears is something I want to do every day.  I want to explore and learn and grow.  Laugh and jump and dance!  25 just doesn't sound right for how young I still feel.  

Where has the time gone?  And where will it go?  It's crazy to think that the next 25 years of my life may feel even faster than these first 25.  How does it feel to be outside of time?  To be timeless?!  And then, shouldn't I feel that way now, timeless?  Won't we all live for eternity, one way or another?!

I'm thinking yes ;) 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Doing What is Important...

How is it that with two kiddos I still have moments of peace and quiet?  Even with the laundry loaded and the dishes running in the dishwasher.  It kind of feels like a miracle!

What a blessing to be able to rest.  I don't want to make you busy people feel tired, lol, but you probably know as well as I do that rest is a serious blessing.  Sometimes it's hard for me to take advantage of the quiet and peace in front of me, but I want to thank The Lord when it's crazy and when it's still!  Truly He is my refuge whatever moment I am in...

Thursday, October 31, 2013

A New Way of Seeing Things...

First of all, I hereby testify that having a second child is beautiful, miraculous.... and very humbling...  If I ever came across to any of you as having it all together- forgive me now- because I don't!  I am a broken individual in need of a perfect Savior every single day (Yay Jesus!).  Oh the beautiful honesty of it all- I smile because it's such a relief to remember that God didn't call me to have it all together!  God has called me to follow Him and not let anything else get in the way of doing so wholeheartedly.  Every moment is a moment of grace and I need Jesus as much as ever. 

Here is an example story: while things have all been going amazingly smooth with all the recent changes in my house hold, yesterday I started coming down with a nursing infection :/ from the outside it may have looked like I was falling apart... but honestly, it was really quite relieving to just sob a little as I made Nico and I some oatmeal...  I just cried helplessly and peacefully while Nico was singing to himself at the table (precious boy!).  You see, ever since I've had Saphira I really haven't been able to cry at all- which was lovely for awhile- but then, the tears just needed to come yesterday and that was refreshing too!  Sometimes it's just healing in itself to be broken before God and admit that I need Him- completely!  God has to get my attention and remind me that I am not to be living in my own physical or emotional strength...  but in His strength that outlasts our frail bodies and ever changing emotions...  

Also, God is getting me re-acquainted with the realization that I am actually supposed to say "I don't know" sometimes...  because I don't have all the answers... Only He does!  This reformation has been taking hold in many areas of my life- marriage, parenting, family relationships, prayer and bible times, worship, ministry, evangelistic ideals, and my own personal fears of the unknown...  Does anyone else feel me here- do you have fears of the unknown?  
Jesus has truly been reshaping my heart to practice trusting Him more fully when I am faced with the unknown!  Truly, whenever I do trust Him openly and unashamedly through the unknown, He is faithful and never leaves me alone.  God is good- all the time!  Do you believe that?  I pray you will taste and see His goodness too :)

So, to finish the story of my break down and sickness yesterday- I am excited to say that I am miraculously better today!  Also, by Gods amazing workings, my hubby came home early at 1pm (I didn't even tell him I was sick) it "just worked out that way" and he let me take a lovely nap.  Then as a family we were able to spend a restful afternoon together, tinkering on little projects and cuddling as we talked on the couch. 

I don't know why God allows things to happen the way that they do, but I am so very grateful He stays with us every step of the way!  Oh that I would truly seek Him and remember my need for Him all the time.  May you and your family see His blessings as you trust Him through the unknown...  even when things look bleak...  May His light shine brightly in your heart and all around you!

"... Try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. 
...Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 
making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 
Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."
(Ephesians 5:10, 15-17 ESV)

By the way, here is a "Bekah version" about what I understand to be the history on the word Halloween; for those of you who are curious.  I just discovered that it means Hallowed Evening because it's the evening before all saints day.  As you may know, in different cultures (for example the Jewish culture) a special day is actually celebrated from sundown to sundown (a full 24 hour period) rather then our western ways of celebrating a special day from sun up until sun down, the evening is when the special day is first recognized.  All saints day, as a Catholic holiday, is a day to remember those who have died in The Lord.  And therefore, as I like to remember also, will be risen to life with Jesus when He comes again.  
The name All Hallowed Evening was shortened to Hallows Even over the years, then Hallowe'en...  And finally Halloween as we know it today!  
Anyway, I just thought that all of this was fascinating, so I wanted to share.  It also made me really want to start saying Happy Halloween- because it's basically like saying happy holy evening (similar to happy holiday- which means happy holy day).  Everyday is truly holy when we remember and celebrate Jesus- His life, His death, and His resurrection!  It's so awesome that we have special days every year to mark all three of these events: Christmas for Jesus' birth into life, Halloween to remember His death and all those who have died in His name, and Easter to celebrate Jesus' amazing return to life and then heaven, where He is now preparing a place for those who trust in Him!  May you trust Jesus and celebrate Him too, today and always :) Happy Halloween!!!

"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19 NLT)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Saphira Nadine's Birth Story

After three weeks of hibernating away, I thought I would finally post again.  God is good!  My baby girl is here :) also, my family and I are all changed for the better since her arrival.

This story is the best I can do for now of a short summary on Saphira's birth- it was such a crazy whirlwind adventure!  I may add more details later, but these are the initial thoughts I've been able to jot down.  Praising God today and always for His blessings:


When my third contraction hit at 12:50am, I had an inkling that labor was actually starting, but it wasn't until almost an hour later when I realized things were getting more intense faster then they had with my first labor.  Even two hours into my three hour labor though, I don't think either Jer or I thought that meant our baby was going to come quite as fast as she did!  So we were pacing ourselves for a longer haul- maybe like 10 hours or so.  Boy were we headed into a surprise!

As we laid big brother Nico down in the bedroom with my sister, his auntie Bethie, he started crying and getting upset so I tried to lay down next to him and comfort him.  My contractions were so hard though, I was breathing like a crazy person trying to focus and relax through them.  Beth told me later that she sure was hoping my contractions weren't easy ones at that point because they looked really hard and my face squinted with pressure in the shadows across from her.

I tried to sneak out of the room but Nico didn't stay asleep!  As much as I wanted to lay down and comfort my first little boy, my body was telling me I needed to get out and get focused again.  So I left Nico with Bethie and Jer in the other room, letting them care for him.  

Meanwhile my mom had been trying to call the midwives but my phone was being weird and it wasn't letting her get through to their pager.  I could hear my mom talking and trying to figure out my phone as I felt the urgent need to spread out my birth blanket across the bed.  I started feeling like I was going to make a mess everywhere so it was a relief to have a place to spread out on.

While facing a few contractions in my room on my own, I could feel my body writhing as I started to actually get a rush of panic (I'm thinking this was while I was going through transition) and I quite literally cried out to God!  As I did so, I was reminded that I wasn't alone and I heard myself repeat over and over "God is with us."  As I pictured speaking to Saphira, I felt a beautiful peace cover us as the contraction ended.  Truly God was with us and that was exactly what I needed to remember!

Mom came to check on me and I said I was good but that the contractions were hard.  Jeremy came in and out trying to get the birthing tub in the room.  My contractions felt closer together- short, but strong.

Pretty sure it was the next contraction, after everyone had walked out again, that I tried pushing and it actually felt good!  Jeremy was getting the plastic for the floor but my mom walked through the room to check on me again and I told her with shock and excitement: "I think I just tried pushing."  As I look back now, I can see a flash of panic in her eyes, but she responded calmly with an: "okay Bekah, just do what your body is telling you to do." 

My mom was quickly rushing about.  Jer came in and started laying out some plastic on the floor for the birthing tub.  I just looked at him in between contractions and said "She is coming!  There's not enough time!"  

The midwives called back right around this time and we updated them on where I was in labor, they quickly told Jeremy they were on their way but that he should probably call 911 just to have some medical expertise on hand.  Overhearing all this, I started muttering about how I wanted a water birth and I didn't want to go to the hospital!  My mom walked through again and I moaned "I think I'm going to die.  Pretty sure I felt that way only because I refused to try pushing on that next contraction.  She firmly reminded me that I was not going to die but that I should go along with my body, after all it had done this before!  With her positive reminder I pushed again on the next contraction and my water broke.  

Everything rushed quickly after my water broke!  On the next two contractions her head crowned and then she was out- it felt like she flew- and my mom attested to the fact that she practically did fly out because her two hands pushed forward from either side of her head as she came into the world.  My mom caught Saphira with her bare hands at about 3:10am and exclaimed later on that her head felt just like velvet.  All I could do was laugh with shock and joy that my baby girl was actually here!


More excitement happened after this, but I will spare you any more details for now.  We are happy to have Saphira here- healthy and thriving!  Hallelujah :) Ten pounds and already wearing 3 month old clothes- that's my baby girl.

Happy 3 weeks little lady!!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Overdue" musings...

"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts You." - Isaiah 26:3

Isn't that a perfect verse to find in my devotional this morning?

God is full of surprises!  I really hadn't even thought twice about seeing this date- September 19th, 2013- without my little girl in my arms... but now I can say I am experiencing a new adventure.  Today I am officially "overdue," that is, i am still pregnant past my original due date.  Now I am just an extra ripe berry- Saphira will be super sweet!  Haha.  Or as my sister's friend said: "God is just adding some extra special touches."  Lol.
Such a strange thing to be "late" with my second baby though, after having been early (even if it was only two days) with my first.  Also, usually boys are late...  but I am having a girl!  What's up with this?  My mom was three weeks early with her second girl and I have her genes, so, truly, this is unexpected.  However, after 24 years of life I have at least learned one thing: the seemingly unplanned is not out of God's plan!
yes, that ironic reminder of my lack of control to make labor start on my own.  I mean, yes, there are suggestions on things you can do naturally- and they have been done- but unless I want medication or something obtrusive, then there really isn't much else I can do on my own now but wait!  And if I have to wait, I would much prefer to do so patiently.  It's funny though, I have had to remind myself that a due date is not a deadline...  obviously!  This isn't a college paper- we are talking about pregnancy here... Labor... and birthing a baby.  Lol.  It's funny how I have had to remind myself and be reminded that its okay to be late though, because when you have had a certain date stuck in your brain for awhile, it's hard to just forget it!
Oh and another unexpected and funny thing: any little change in body is suddenly a sign of "pre-labor."  Runny nose- yep, must be ready for the baby...  Lol.  Tight belly when baby moves- must be a contraction!  And, every moment is a possibility of bursting...  I'm a walking time bomb or as people like to remind me: "ready to pop!"  Yes, everyone has to wait for this baby, right alongside with me, it's just a funny place to be in as the actual body with the waiting piece inside of you.  As Nico likes to say with me: "Come, Fiera, come." Lol.
So, jumping ahead here, maybe Jeremy and I will steal away and get a date night in tonight.  Dates are wonderful, lovely, fabulous things!  It's not like there aren't still plenty of things to do without a newborn around- even though...  I really would like to hold her, see her, and kiss her sweet little face.  Also, there are still thank you cards to write out for all my kind an thoughtful friends who came to her baby shower...  and I had an idea to make a baby blanket out of some old gender neutral baby clothes of Nico's.  Not to mention, Nico and I could still use some "mommy and me" play dates before little sister comes.  
Anyway, all that to say, I am sure that God will provide exactly what it is that we need to do before Saphira is here.  Just as He will give wisdom and strength when she comes.  He is faithful and can see the full picture of what is ahead, so, may "His peace" be what my mind "stays on" always!

And really, waiting on Him is exactly where I should always be in life...  Whether pregnant or not!

"... Hope in the Lord from this time forth and forevermore." - Psalm 131:3

"But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. 

"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. 
And He who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God. 
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose." 
(Romans 8:25-28 ESV)


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Listening and Obeying... In the Days of My Flesh...

"In the days of His flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, 

with loud cries and tears, 
to Him who was able to save Him from death, 

and He was heard because of His reverence. 
Although He was a son, 

He learned obedience through what He suffered. 
And being made perfect, 

He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him..." 
(Hebrews 5:7-9 ESV)

Am I "listening" to The Lord?  Am I obeying by "hearing" His Words and carrying out their commands?  Obedience is not described easily in these passages but it is defined as essential!

"Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. 
And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 
Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." 
(Philippians 2:5-11 ESV)

Am I living obediently to His humility?  Do I have the "mind of Christ"?  These verses say to "have the mind of Jesus" and that through Jesus it is possible to have His mind!  
So what is within that precious head of His?  Equality with God was not what He reached for, or even imagined ever taking hold of...  Jesus poured Himself out under the strength of Gods authority!  

Am I ready to pour myself out under the strength of God?  Jesus did!  I only pray that I may do so too...

Yes, Jesus became a servant by becoming a man in the flesh.  As human beings, wrapped up in our skin, we are simply meant to serve our Creator.
Aw that beautiful thought- being at peace to be nothing before anyone else, but a servant of God...  Nothing but His!  Are you at peace with this thought?

If everything else was taken from you, could you find solace in the fact that you are under Gods authority and His mighty hand?  I ask myself this same question... Unable to really imagine what it would look like in my life to give all that Jesus gave- freely and so completely- pouring out His life in obedience to God our Father.  

Stuck within my own flesh, it is hard to believe anything good can come from suffering.  Yet Jesus suffered... and He was only good!  When we are in the middle of discomfort and pain, it can often be all-consuming; it is so easy to only focus on what we feel.  Jesus however, even though he openly felt (he wept and cried), did not allow His emotions to consume Him fully- but rather His obedience to God mastered His emotions!  He trusted past His own personal pain and moved forward with the reality that God is God and there is no one else worthy of following.

Oh that my heart and mind will be the same as that of Christ Jesus!  I can think of no better way to prepare for birth and labor...  for life and love...  then to meditate on Gods Word.  Of course, I can do this after my little girl is born, but I am thankful for a few more moments to soak in His truth before she arrives ;) to know that through Jesus and what He has already lived out- I can have His mindset too...  Death is conquered!  There is glory in His precious name...
Thank you Jesus!

"Open to me the gates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord. 

This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous shall enter through it. I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation. 

The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. 

This is the Lord ’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes. 

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Save us, we pray, 

O Lord ! O Lord, we pray, give us success! 

You are my God, and I will give thanks to you; you are my God; I will extol you. 

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for 

His steadfast love endures forever!"

(Psalm 118:19-25, 28, 29 ESV)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Oh love! Beautiful love...

Yes, the Bible has my favorite definitions on love...  Of course, people of every kind have expressed beautiful descriptions of love as well!  Love is everywhere when it is looked for... these following passages are just a few provisions of the beautiful picture that backgrounds all other love in this world:

Love is Passionate
Song of Solomon 8:6-7
Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.  Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned. (NIV)

Love Requires All of You
Matthew 22:37–39 
Jesus said to him, 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' (NKJV)

Love Lays Down
John 15:13 
Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. (NIV)

Love Gives Value to Everything Else
1 Corinthians 13:1-3 
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing. (NIV)

Love is Unfailing
1 Corinthians 13:4–8a 
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails ... (NIV)

Love Forgives Deeply
1 Peter 4:8 
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. (NIV)

Love is Jesus
1 John 3:16 
This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. (NIV)

Love Acts in Truth
1 John 3:18 
Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. (NIV)

Love is God
1 John 4:8 
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. (NIV)

Aw yes!  God is love :) one of my favorite Truths in all of Scripture...  why?  Well, because, love can be defined even more clearly when we know this truth- there are suddenly checks and balances to compare real love with... the mess of a definition that this world has put love into doesn't have to stay...  Our contrast to the lies of love in this world are in the truth of who God is!

Praise The Lord!  As undefinable as love often seems to be...  Jesus has come...  and therefore, love has been lived out on earth!  Yes, Love itself has Lived on Earth :) and He is still alive and well today!!!

Such a beautiful reality!  Love is Real :) just in case anyone was in doubt...

Love is God and we are nothing without Him!  Just as we are nothing without love!  In the Bible it is clear that knowing God and living out love go hand in hand!

How lovely it is to think on Love!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

In Light of Pregnancy and Labor- Living Thankfully...

38 weeks pregnant this week and I am ready to see this baby...  That is, I have been saying that over and over again these last few days, but I think I may be underestimating the amount of change and hard work that this new little one is really going to bring.  My fairly uncomfortable pregnant body (candidly speaking: 35lbs heavier, heartburn and gas-filled, only able to side-sleep, baby kicks in the ribs, baby bladder squishes, which lead to pee-ing every hour or more, insomnia... Etc...) has led me to somehow believe that things will be more comfortable after birth.  Lol.  However, I would like to be realistic about the things that lie ahead as well, understanding the truth may be that more discomfort will occur after birth- such as heavy bleeding, a true lack of sleep, and breast feeding.  Obviously, this wont last forever either...  Just as pregnancy won't last for always!  Even that thought is bittersweet though, because pregnancy is just as much of a gift as being able to finally see and cuddle my baby...  It's just easier to forget the gift of pregnancy right at the end...  I mean, it's September and I have been pregnant ALL year long... :p But I don't want to forget, I really do want to remember that I am living a miracle.
Oh pregnancy!  You funny thing you...  The ability to grow a human life within your own body- to feel your baby move...  even such details as fingers and toes, twisting and grasping inside of you... the future of this world all wrapped up in a bundle of amazingly small detail right under your chin, constantly with you for nearly 10 months...  such a strange phenomenon and yet this miracle happens around the world daily!  What an active Creator we have :) see, I haven't forgotten completely that there are things to be thankful for!  In fact, writing this blog post, as I am awake quite early in the morning light, is really purposed to remind my heart and mind that there are reasons to be thankful!  Many, many reasons...
While my household sleeps I am reminded that God never does!  As the light dawns around me, there is a reminder within it that my Savior is ever working.  He has not forgotten that I am pregnant...  Lol.  He has perfect timing in His hands, and by His side I am free to wait thankfully and hopefully.  I am called to actively praise and glorify my God as I move and live and dream each moment.  
My hubby and I have been in full force- rearranging furniture and bed things...  Building and making important items we may need, acting as if we will never leave our little home again...  getting ready for baby.  Yes, full nesting has occurred at this Boss house and I do believe we have been enjoying it.  Even Nico has been saying everyday as he moves toys from one room to the next or helps put them away, doing dishes with me or wiping random spots that I haven't cleaned in too long: "working" and then shortly after he will look up at me smiling and say: "working hard."  I sure hope I will think of him and those sweet words while I am in labor!  Truly, even in labor God calls us to have the heart of a child...  May I look up to Him always with a smile on my face, thankfully pleased to be "working hard."  Yes, I am blessed to be included in the unending work that my gracious God is always doing!
A sweet friend came over to me and gave me this most wonderful back rub the other day.  It was lovely and so unexpected!  The whole thing has had such a beautiful affect on me that I haven't been able to forget the kind gesture since.  Also, something she said was quite funny too!  She asked me if I would promise her to get a pre-natal massage done at least once each pregnancy for the next 6 kids.  Haha.  Oh the thought!  Immediately I want to say- yah right...  8 kids?!  But then, in the back of my mind I can't help feeling like God may call me to something as crazy as that some day.  Lol.  Who needs sleep anyway?  However, two children will be crazy enough for this next year- so I will gladly loose some sleep over just two for a little while.
Speaking of sleep, maybe I should try to lay down and at least rest by my sweet boys a little bit longer. My heart feels so much more at peace right now, thinking over my blessings and meditating on God's   goodness and sovereignty again.  Truly, if The Lord is my portion, what more do I need?
Thank you Jesus!

"Out of the mouth of babies and infants, God has made perfect praise." - Matthew 21:16

Sunday, September 1, 2013

My safe place...


Yes, Jesus is my safe place...  The One I need when I truly want rest!  He is my refuge when everything around me threatens to overwhelm or bear down upon me.  My soul finds peace in Him alone!

While my body may be weary and weak... He sustains my inner being!  As Savior, Jesus holds my heart.  This world only promises to lead to death, but in Christ I have Life and Hope!

I just think of my little boy and the comforting safety that he feels within my arms- it is so lovely to scoop him up and cuddle him close while I carry him.  And when he is tired, how a stroller and a car seat tightly wrapped around his chest can bring him such security to the point of rest.  These pictures are how my soul feels within my sweet Redeemer's hold.

"Hold me up, that I may be safe and have regard for your statutes continually!"(Psalm 119:117 ESV)

His Words are my joy!  Not only does He pick me up and keep me close, but He whispers Truth to me.  How good our God can be- truly His kindness reaches to the heavens and stretches past the oceans.  May my heart ever remember!

"I say to the Lord, “You are my Lord; I have no good apart from you.” (Psalm 16:2 ESV)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Looking Forward to my Heavenly Father's Strength...

"Praise the Lord!  How good to sing praises to our God! How delightful and how fitting!" (Psalms 147:1)

Whoo! I am excited and overwhelmed as I think of the change-filled reality that another birth and baby will bring into my life and into my family :)  There is a whole lot of change ahead and while I can feel it coming (very soon) I know I can really only prepare for it in the rest and peace of my Father's Arms!  One thing I know won't change though, is that I will still need Him more than ever and He will still be here through it all.

"God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. 
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. 
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” (Psalm 46:1-3, 10 NIV)

Truly He will be exalted!  And as He is my refuge I am really wanting to face some of the hard realities ahead in His strength- don't take this as a negative blog post!  There is just something freeing about realizing that labor is not going to be easy, but rather hard, hard work, and then once my little girl is here there will be a brand new lack of sleep as she and I learn to get on a new rhythm together.  These are not sad things- just tough realities that are mixed with many blessings!  

I hope to learn again firsthand through my own weaknesses that God is oh-so-powerful, constant, and merciful.  Labor was very much full of those reminders the first time around and I have faith that this labor will also bring those Truths about God to mind in a new and mighty way. Now I just pray that I will be able to focus on Him again and not only my own momentary struggles as I get thrown into the heat of it this second time around ;)

"He takes no pleasure in the strength of a horse or in human might.  
No, the Lord ’s delight is in those who fear him, those who put their hope in His unfailing love." (Psalms 147:10, 11).

Aw yes!  Please let my hope in you Lord, be a delight to you.  That is my goal in labor- as hard as it may be!

(Forewarning: these ramblings ahead are for a mature adult audience- not to freak anyone out- I just don't want to shock any kids either)

There is also this thing called nursing that begins after having a baby...  It's wonderful and weird to finally have your belly back after nearly 10 months of sharing it 24/7, but in this new found belly freedom comes this crazy enslavement of your chest.  Lol- don't let that image be an ugly one, maybe enslavement isn't the best word to use, it's more of a humble service to your little one...  they won't remember all the work put into their health, but God will remember and in those late night nursings He has met with me so many times!  It's wonderful and it is also a lot of work!  Are you seeing a theme here?  ;p 

I have to mention another not so easy reality (that isnt hard for all women lol but isnt my favorite), the fact that after birth there is at least 6 weeks without deep physical intimacy with your hubby. Thankfully there are many other forms of intimacy that develop and thrive- just to mention a few: in your teamwork, giving, and friendship.  However, it is still a hard adjustment to have some of your body on hold from your hubby- thankfully not all of your body though!  All these changes really do go by fairly quick, but they can also be a little emotionally overwhelming at times.

The truth: birth and babies come with a lot of adjustments.  And yet, nothing else in the world can compare to the rewards of this new and changing time.  There are joys to be had that cannot be expressed, and wounds to be dealt with that only God can fully know and heal.  Truly, helping to bring a new life into this world is an amazing spiritual journey that can only be understood by fully seeking after The Lord!  I don't want to miss any of it and that's why I just wanted to take time to reflect and look ahead...

"Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? 
Have you not understood since the earth was founded? 
He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. 
He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. 
'To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?' says the Holy One. 
Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing. 
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. 
He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. 
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 
Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." (Isaiah 40:21, 22, 25, 26, 28-31 NIV)


That is a reality that I look forward to facing everyday- God does not grow tired or weary!!!

Thank you Jesus :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

Adventures while camping...

Day One- 
August 14th, 2013 (Wednesday)

Arrival 11:59pm!
Okay, but really, we didn't find Jeff until 12:15am where we almost passed each other in our cars- after he had packed everything up to come back out and look for us.  We left late, we got lost, no reception, and Jeff blew a flat at the campsite and couldn't even try to call us or text us until he could fix the flat and get back to a main road!  Needless to say, just getting out to our campsite has been a very big adventure- all on its own.  
Oh and did I mention its totally raining?  Haha.  So much for "dry" camping!  Seriously though, when things are this crazy, is there anything else to do other than laugh?

My parents are a great example of laughing through rainy camping experiences.  As a young girl we were camping and I woke up to them scrambling around trying to put the top on our tent as thunder rolled in the distance.  They were busting up as they twisted and turned the top getting it backwards and upside down.  There was nothing left to do but laugh as they barely strapped it down in time for a torrential rain downpour.  
When they came back in the tent they were reasonably wet and all of us kids were awake and wide-eyed.  They turned on the lantern and we all cuddled close, whispering, listening, and laughing together.  Bugs, frogs, and lizards began crawling up between the closed top of our tent and the screen top of our tent.  That whole camping experience got crazier by the minute and I am thankful that my parents showed us how to laugh in the midst of unforeseen circumstances.
Isn't that just life, though?  Always full of surprises!  Camping is such a reminder that life is messy, real, and- if we stop long enough to acknowledge it- beautiful!

Praise God we all found each other tonight!  And thank The Lord that our kids slept through most of the craziness.  May they wake up to find us still loving life and laughing tomorrow!

God is good :)


Day Two-
August 15th, 2013 (Thursday)

The rain has finally stopped at 5:30pm today...  It tried to stop earlier but would just start up again and keep drizzling.  Of course, I say all this after having slept away most of the afternoon (and it was wonderful), but the few times that I did wake up the rain was still pitter-pattering on top of the tent.  So, I am pretty sure my account of the rain coming down "most of the day" is correct.  :p

The boys came and joined me for a nap too only an hour or two after I laid down and after their own little fishing excursion, with Jeff and Zeke, down by the stream.  Tammy said she was able to get some adorable pictures of our toddler boys with their daddy's as they "helped" fish too.  Later, after dinner, I was able to witness this ridiculously cute Father-Son activity as we all walked down to the stream.  Truly, Tammy and I find it is so hard to believe that our first born babies are old enough already to balance on the rocks, hike around next to daddy, and help hold the pole a little bit.  Being pregnant with a second baby and, for Tammy, already having her second baby here, definitely puts a new light on how "not a baby" our little boys are already!

The fact that time is fleeting is a huge reason for journaling out this on-going adventure of our family camping trip!  It's our last big getaway before baby sister arrives.  And while, of course, I can't wait to meet this sweet new little girl, I also want to soak up this fragile time between baby one and baby two.

"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." - Proverbs 90:12

Day Three-
August 16th, 2013 (Friday)

Restless insomnia haunts me again!  5:15am and this belly is just too big to be kept lying down for too long-lol.  I've only been awake since 4:30 but I don't see myself falling asleep anytime too soon.

So, instead, I think I will type and read on this handy-dandy little lighted device (my phone).  Who knew it would still be useful even while we are "out of service" range?  Even though its true that I enjoy being very social, it really has been so lovely not to have to text or call anyone for one whole day!  My phone has pretty much just been my clock this trip and I have had no pressure whatsoever to return any calls or get back to anybody.  That is, no phone calls, just my little Nico who insists on calling me by name lately, haha, he is very into my name "mommy" these days.  And so, not having my phone makes me quicker to respond to him and to daddy too.

Oh life before technology, I can see that it must have been much easier in some ways to not be distracted from the people who are really present!  Although, I am sure that every life finds its own way to be distracted from the present day in some way- isn't this part of being human with a soul?  Time does not exist forever!  I still hope however, that I will always remember God has created time and put me in this exact position of time for a reason- to obey and honor Him.  So, after this little sidetrack about time and distractions, ultimately, I pray that my time will "not" be distracted from Jesus!

With that said, I think I will go soak in some Jesus time.  Yay!  I am blessed.  May I serve at the pleasure of my Lord Jesus Christ!

How beautiful it is to walk in the footsteps of God.  Being awake in the early morning light it is hard to want to sleep again!  This is the hour His mercies are new :) that is, they are new every moment that we come to Him in humility, however, I love the picture that this verse in Lamentations brings- the picture of a brand new day being how God's mercies cover us!

Oh the beautiful sound of this rushing stream nearby.  What a wonderful constant noise it is!  How much better to hear that than a television?!  Truly, in this ever rising light the sound of it seems to just echo glory to The Lord!

Day Four- 
August 17th, 2013

Well- after a very exciting beach day yesterday I can definitely say I am actually quite content to just hang out around camp and the creek all day today.  Yesterday was super fun and super exhausting!  Lol.  Maybe waking up from 4-6am yesterday didn't help either, but Tammy and I at least got little cat naps in later, on our drive back to camp for dinnertime.

So one fun highlight of yesterday is when my family and I splurged on all our own ice creams at the Tillamook factory right about lunch time (they sort of ended up being our lunch ;p).  Oh man and mine was an amazing waffle dish sundae with cookie dough and espresso mocha ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, nuts, and a cherry.  Extensive I know!  Haha, but I totally pulled my "pregnant" line on that one, especially when I finished it all with no help.  I'm pretty sure it's been over a week since I last had ice cream though, so you know, I was making up for lost time.  Lol.  Not to mention, every single one of us worked off our ice cream on the mile long hike afterwards through the sand (with kids and supplies) just to get to the beach!

Another highlight was the awesome beach that we played on all afternoon.  Nico was beyond happy as we let him free to run and roll in the sand; he is such a beach sand babe!  I don't think he really stopped running until two hours into our beach stay- unless he was rolling. Talk about wearing out his little body, crazy kid, lets just say he was really good about napping in the car and even going to bed after all that energy exertion!  Pretty much it was all around worth it to do all that we did yesterday as well as a lot of work, beauty, and deliciousness- even if the guys never did catch us fish for our fish tacos.  Lol.

This is random but something else worth noting as I haven't done this since high school when I went dry camping with my aunt, after four days now, I have officially peed on only two real toilets!  Haha.  Did I mention I am also 35weeks preggo?  Impressive right?  Well, at least, for those of you who don't go dry camping all the time :p  Tammy cannot be included in that list though, she is a pro- even with a toddler and a 10 week old!  Okay so she is totally more impressive than me haha but hey, I'm just glad I am finally starting to pick up on her vibe- dry camping really is a refreshing change from our normal lives.

It's only 6am now, so I should probably get some more sleep before everyone wakes up, but it is so good to be awake alone in this quiet, peaceful outdoor loveliness.  "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places..." - Ephesians 1:3.  And, so I end this little entry and begin this day!  Thank you Lord :)

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for The Lord and not for men, knowing that from The Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward.  You are serving The Lord Christ." - Colossians 3:23-24

Day Five-
August 18th, 2013 (Sunday)

My battery is about to die, but I wanted to write one last entry while I am still out in this beautiful forest wilderness! It's 7:30am, so not too early but most everyone is still sleeping in and soaking up this lovely family vacation time. Jeremy and Nico are just too cute all cuddled up on the deflating air mattress; I have definitely been reminded that air mattresses are very good at making you have to cuddle up close- lol.  There are a lot of little things that have been completely do able and yet have reminded me how very spoiled I am to have all that I have back home, such as my amazingly comfortable king size bed, two whole bathrooms, and running water.  And yet, out here in this gorgeousness all around, plenty of yummy food, and people to share Gods incredible creation with, the things back home become so visibly unnecessary and they really are just little things that are nice to have whenever they happen to be around (I need to always have this perspective).
Too funny but one of the devotions for today quotes this verse, which goes well with my thoughts too: " Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old.  Behold, I [the Lord] will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?  I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert." - Isaiah 43:18-19 and: "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." - 2 Corinthians 5:17.  When I am fully in each moment with my life, living for Jesus, looking ahead with Him too, then there is newness beyond compare!  Every breath is hope for His goodness, every step is work for His name, every move reflects His glory, when I am His and He is mine!  

Thank you My Sweet Savior for a new day, may yesterday's failings be forgotten and forgiven only to be found as new life in you today!


Monday, August 12, 2013

Just going for it...

I have been too out of the habit of posting lately and I need to just blog some thoughts on my mind!  Mostly really, I think I will just list what my brain has been recently consumed with and maybe once I throw it all out then I can let Jesus fill me up and pour some more productive words through me.  Life is just so very full, busy, hilarious, blessed, and all encompassing!

Here goes, a list of thoughts within my bursting little cranium:

Weekly and daily routines with Nico
Quality Time spent with daddy
Dreams and projects around the house
Hopes for Cali family to move closer to us (and find jobs!)
Eating right
Exercising often
Trying to beat heartburn
Wearing loose clothes/feeling big lol
Making time with friends
Having to pee- a lot... 
Finishing a few inspiring books recently!
Getting ready to go camping
Organizing finances and bills
Paying off debt
Remembering I am abundantly Blessed!
Understanding my own expectations
Visiting parks
Meeting new moms
Communicating with my church family
Scheduling leaders for our babies area on Sunday mornings
Writing out goals & questions for a meeting with all the leaders
Brainstorming curriculum
Attending and participating in recent weddings!
Listening to my boys make music ;)
Leaving time for Jeremy to get some alone time too
Looking forward to a baby shower :)
Enjoying being a stay-at-home mommy
Preparing for another home birth and baby!
Birthday parties
Wondering how to schedule in date nights more regularly- lol
Shopping lists and groceries
Glorious nap times- haha
Beating the heat
Playing board games
Staying up too late to watch movies with my hubby
Deciding whether or not to completely repaint our bathroom
Reading through the Gospels at Breakfast
Praying for restoration after disciplining my little man
Kisses, tickles, cuddles, and laughs- as much as possible!
Starting a new book study with my mom friends: "The Power of a Praying Wife"
Realizing everyday how very soon our little girl will be here :)
Organizing hands on play dates every Friday during this month
Deep cleaning random things
Trying to stay on top of chores- dishes, laundry, and dinner...

Lol... that last thought just leaves me void of ideas for a moment- dishes, laundry, and dinner keep Nico and I busy all day.  Repetitive stuff!  Between playing, folding, washing, napping, playing some more, socializing a little bit, making dinner, spending time with daddy, and then our bedtime routine- well our day is over and gone!  Its amazing how time flies when we are having fun ;) 
Yes, my life is pretty simple most days.
And yet, each one ends, begins, and is filled with love...
Love!  The most profound gift, simply given to me daily by my Creator...  I am blessed to experience love in such real ways every day- physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  Most often I see my Savior's love through my family, however, He surprises me in new ways all the time!
May my heart ever remain grateful...
Truly my God's Love never fails. 
Thank you Jesus!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Heart Test...

Where's the stroller?!  Arrgh.  I totally left it in the garage at home!  Why didnt I realize sooner?  Now I have to turn around and go back to get it.
After a fairly smooth morning, lazily getting ready for a walk date with friends, I suddenly realized we were definitely going to be late now.  You would think with a relaxed morning that I wouldn't be so eager to get into a tizzy about being late, but then...  I wasn't thinking on the thankful side of things.  I was feeling entitled to my wealth of freedom that I had experienced during the first half of my morning.  So, with that mindset- or should I say, heart set- my emotions were feeling quite justified in being annoyed.  All the while my little toddler was chillin' out in his car seat to some music- not caring at all that we were going to be late (what was wrong with me?!).
As I pulled up in my driveway and went to open the back of the car, of course in my selfish rush, I had forgotten to actually unlock the back.  So I stomped over to the front car door again and pressed unlock and then stomped back- huffing, puffing, and muttering.  I had to unload a bunch of stuff from the back and pile it into our already cluttered garage...  something I was also not very happy about... when suddenly, my neighbor next door pops up right next to me as I wheel my stroller down the driveway to put it in the back.  "Can I help?" he asked.  He definitely surprised me as I stopped and looked at him for a moment.  Then I smiled and felt a little ashamed inside...  Here I was complaining and feeling alone, when hello, from out of nowhere this nice man just wanted to help...  "Why- yes please!" I replied, finding my voice again.  "Thank you!" I exclaimed as he loaded up my stroller into the car.  I suddenly wondered why I was in SUCH a rush, it seemed so silly now.  And he replied back kindly, "what are friends for?"  As if to just say don't mention it...  He was just happy to help.  
Oh what a treasure of unexpected love I would have missed if I didn't have to go back for my stroller.  And I can't help but mention that this neighbor is an older man with a mental handicap, which is funny to say since it seems that my mental state was much more handicapped than his.  He was ready to help before I knew he was even there.  It's crazy too, because he doesn't usually talk very much at all, or if he does it can be hard to understand, but his words came out clear and kind this morning!  Truly Jesus' love was shining through his sweet face and I was blessed.
In the end, as I drove away, feeling suddenly overwhelmed and thankful- I couldn't help but reflect that God tests our hearts with the simplest of things sometimes.  My prayer is that I won't miss His love, His people, His joy, or His face!  Thankful for the way God shows His love for us through other people.  And, I am hoping that I won't miss my opportunity to pass His love on to others today too ;)

"The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the Lord tests hearts." - Proverbs 17:3

"Incline my heart to your testimonies, and not to selfish gain!" - Psalm 119:36

Monday, July 22, 2013

Light, Beauty, Salvation, and Strength...

All of these wonderful things come into our lives when we wait on The Lord, for once we hope in Him alone we are able to find His light, His beauty, His salvation, and His strength.  There is no One more worthy of our attention and praise!  Unlike any other words, His Words bring life; so if you are feeling empty, seek His face!  Truly, we all miss out on Reality when we separate our lives from Scripture- real Life is found when we take time to soak in His Truth.  Psalm 27 inspires my thoughts this morning, "The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?
"One thing have I asked of the Lordthat will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple" (Psalm 27:1 & 4).

Yesterday my husband and I were caring for the little children in our church and, as young as they may be, it is amazing to see the amount of information they can already process and understand!  During our snack time, I attempted to tell a very short story from Genesis: how God created Light!  We played with flashlights in a dark tunnel and sang "this little light of mine" as we held our own flashlights up and out, waving them around as we sang.  The children brought smiles to my heart as I watched them just soak up all of this new knowledge and I can't help but thankfully identify the incredible gift of learning that God has given children.

Oh that we might all stand beside The Lord, to listen, watch, and learn from Him today!  Even if it feels like the Words God speaks to you are not seeping in, continue to expose yourself.  He is calling us to Himself and as we fill our lives with His precious Words then we build up an appetite and thirst for Him that can only be quenched by Him!  His Truth never returns void and it is only by hearing His Words that we are able to believe His voice.

Children have much to teach us about being sponges towards who God is and all God has to say.  They are eager to speak the name of Jesus (once they have heard His name) and to celebrate their Creator in song (once they have been told that God created them and loves them)!  Little people have amazing faith, they are willing to believe what their parents say to them- so tell them the Truth.  Before anyone can do that though, we must know the Truth!  

As I conclude, I pray that you may see the importance of hoping and waiting in The Lord!  May we come to Jesus as a young child, eager to learn from Him and to soak up His light, His beauty, His salvation, and His strength.  Just as a child busily engages in their world while feeling safe within the presence of a loved one, may we also face this day in the knowledge that we are in Gods holy presence and wrapped up in His un-changing, amazing, unfailing love!

13 "I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living!
14 Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!" - (Psalm 27:13-14).

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Musings on Boldness and Humility...

Boldness and Humility sometimes seem to be at odds with each other, especially so in our society, and yet Jesus modeled a balance of these two attributes amazingly!  I think specifically of a Proverb and some verses in the New Testament that speak of Jesus' humility which both balance out the importance of boldness and being humble in the lives of those who follow the Lord.  "The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion." (Proverbs 28:1 ESV) and "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross."
And I can't stop there when it continues to talk about Jesus being glorified by God in His humility:
"Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."  (Philippians 2:5-11 ESV)

Just reading that makes me want to read through all of Philippians again!  I couldn't just post one verse because everything in this section makes so much more sense and has so much more power when it's kept all together.  If only I knew how to speak these truths more boldly myself- to proclaim Gods glory more openly in my day to day conversations.  
What a blessing Gods Word is though!  To be reminded that every knee will bow before Him, that His glory will be acknowledged by everyone one day even if I am forgetful some days...  He is still honored above any name!  It fills all the voids in my heart and mind, giving me hope for the moment and hope for the day...  My little guy is sleeping right now, and although it is always nice to nap these days, the Bible fills me with such peace and rest that as lovely as sleep is it cannot even compare!  Such knowledge of Gods goodness comforts me and gets me all excited to live each moment in His loving hands :)
Oh the precious gift of quiet meditation.  Even though this gift feels scarce in my life these days, I can't help to rejoice when I find that my rare quiet moments are exploding with Gods overwhelming love.  May I never forget to look to Jesus!

"You are my hiding place and my shield; I hope in your word."  (Psalm 119:114 ESV)

As I continue to think on these topics of humility and boldness, I can't help but think of Daniel.  How he was a man who trusted God so deeply that he did not give up openly praying by his window, even when prayer to God was outlawed.  The picture I see of him in my mind is such a beautiful one of both boldness and humility- as he kneels humbly before God and boldly prays, even though the King had ordered that no one pray to anyone except himself... and the consequence of disobeying was no laughing matter: death by lions!  Even I would have at least closed my window to pray, so no one could see... But Daniel knew that God was God, and no King on earth could take away the glory that only God Himself deserves.  Oh to fully understand and learn to live out the blessed balance of bold humility in Jesus' name!
A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight." (Proverbs 11:1 ESV)
"A just balance and scales are the Lord's; all the weights in the bag are his work." (Proverbs 16:11 ESV)

"For the righteous will never be moved; he will be remembered forever.
He is not afraid of bad news; his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord."  (Psalm 112:6, 7 ESV)

Don't those verses capture Daniel and his memory well- he truly lived his life by Gods righteousness!  Oh that we could all come to a place where we are not afraid of bad news.  Truly, isn't God always worth trusting?  He has proved Himself true and righteous more times then the Bible itself can mention!
There are so many examples in scripture of people who have personally experienced Gods faithfulness and righteousness.  In the lives of David, Sarah, Hannah, Job, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Mary and Joseph...  Even though there were times of doubt and struggle in their lives, as they continued to turn to God in their distress- amidst bad news- He was always true to His promises!  God's righteous character is bold and humble- un-changing and amazing...  Not one of His promises have failed!

And so I end...  

"Not one word of all the good promises that the Lord had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass."(Joshua 21:45 ESV)

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."  (Psalm 73:26 ESV)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Better than a delicious coffee drink (even though I love those)...

Oh what beauty!  I just love Romans chapter 8 :) how can so much Good News be packed into one little chapter?  And this is only part of the Bible, only a glimpse of all the goodness throughout Gods Word. Before you read my blog any further- sit down and soak up Romans 8!

I can't tell you how many times I have searched for Gods wisdom, hope, and love...  And then have been led to this chapter in Romans.  Not only are these words comforting but they are also challenging!  Romans 8 presents many questions to my wandering heart:
Am I living by the Spirit, or living for my flesh?  Do I have life and peace, or am I living in death and separation?  Is my heart submitted to Gods laws, or am I acting in hostility towards what God has commanded?  Is my mind set on the Spirit and how I may please The Lord, or am I living to please myself?  These are questions that everyone is faced with when reading Romans 8:6-8...  And I am humbled- because Gods goodness is so evident...  His Spirit is so clearly ready to share life and peace with us if I would only submit my heart!  Yes!  Yes please!  Why would I say no?!

Well, I suppose there is this next part which speaks of suffering...  If you and I are to submit to God, and His Spirit and be: "heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ" it is assumed then that "we suffer with [Christ] in order that we may also be glorified with Him." (Romans 8:17 ESV). This is where it gets hard to submit doesn't it?  When suffering comes along its often hard to look forward to the glory in Jesus Christ that is to come!  

Oh but: "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God." (Romans 8:18 & 19 ESV). May we "wait with eager longing" as we live our lives...  Even in hard times, suffering, and sad news...  The glory ahead is so far beyond any glory we have known it is not even worth comparing to the things we go through day to day!  What blessedness :)

I would love to dissect more of this chapter but house duties call- so I will just dwell in the treat of Gods Words that Ive been able to meditate on.  Praying that my spirit will be submitted to The Lord and that I may reflect His vibrant life and overwhelming peace- even when things aren't going the way my flesh had originally planned :p thank you Jesus for your bigger and better plans!  Amen.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Call to Have a Heart of Worship...

"Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; worship the LORD in the splendor of holiness." - Psalm 29:2

Oh what glory is due to God!  It is overwhelming and wonderful to think how my life should exist in this all consuming task of acknowledging my Savior in everything.  In thankfulness and joy my thoughts should pour forth praise!

Why is it then that living a life of worship towards my Creator and Sustainer is such a battle most days?  How can it be that my circumstances and emotions  dictate my response to God?  The reality is that He never changes- He is always worthy of praise!  This reality of Truth is beyond what I can always see and always feel and this is where God calls faith to play its part in my lifelong song of worship.  The questions above must be addressed as my human nature, the doubts of my flesh: when I live for my flesh, consumed by my flesh, I am naturally at war with my spirit, at war with God's Holy Spirit who desires to live through me!  

As I worship God I am also called to do so by living a life of discipline- to practice doing what is right and good and wonderful even when it doesn't feel easy.  And miracle of miracles, once I begin to humbly do this, to live by Christ's strength and to listen to His Spirit lead: my flesh no longer is a curse but a means to be thankful, to enjoy Jesus more fully, to sacrifice my body daily as Jesus did and to share with others all that I have been given.

My life is truly blessed!  I am called to live a life of worship, thankful praise to a God I owe everything to...  and He doesn't Lord this debt over me, but rather gives me freedom and love.  He shares with me the responsibility of forgiveness and grace so I may pass it on to others and then with joy I am able to watch others also live in God's freedom and love!

Oh what lies I believe when I am burdened down by fear and bitterness...  God has set me free!  He has set us all free!  Jesus died that you and I may have new eyes to see and to understand His Truth.  We are new creations in Him- set apart for His glory and praise...  Not because He is vain and arrogant- no... Because He is good and kind!  

“A man can no more diminish God’s glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word ‘darkness’ on the walls of his cell.” - C. S. Lewis

God knows that we need Him!  His power alone can free us from our chains of selfishness and sin.  Hallelujah!

"... the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.  God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” - John 4:23-24

Our Lord and Savior is seeking us actively, asking us to be true worshippers!  We must know His Word and Listen to His Spirit if we are to praise Him in Spirit and in Truth.

"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." - Romans 12:1-2

What joy- to be able to meditate on God's Word, to be renewed in my mind with hope and purpose!  Worship simply takes time...  and every moment we are given is from The Lord!  Thank you Jesus for allowing me quiet to focus on you as Nico sleeps in my arms and Saphira kicks and grows inside of me.  My spirit and my flesh are consumed by Your Love!

"Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.” - Revelation 4:11