Thursday, October 31, 2013

A New Way of Seeing Things...

First of all, I hereby testify that having a second child is beautiful, miraculous.... and very humbling...  If I ever came across to any of you as having it all together- forgive me now- because I don't!  I am a broken individual in need of a perfect Savior every single day (Yay Jesus!).  Oh the beautiful honesty of it all- I smile because it's such a relief to remember that God didn't call me to have it all together!  God has called me to follow Him and not let anything else get in the way of doing so wholeheartedly.  Every moment is a moment of grace and I need Jesus as much as ever. 

Here is an example story: while things have all been going amazingly smooth with all the recent changes in my house hold, yesterday I started coming down with a nursing infection :/ from the outside it may have looked like I was falling apart... but honestly, it was really quite relieving to just sob a little as I made Nico and I some oatmeal...  I just cried helplessly and peacefully while Nico was singing to himself at the table (precious boy!).  You see, ever since I've had Saphira I really haven't been able to cry at all- which was lovely for awhile- but then, the tears just needed to come yesterday and that was refreshing too!  Sometimes it's just healing in itself to be broken before God and admit that I need Him- completely!  God has to get my attention and remind me that I am not to be living in my own physical or emotional strength...  but in His strength that outlasts our frail bodies and ever changing emotions...  

Also, God is getting me re-acquainted with the realization that I am actually supposed to say "I don't know" sometimes...  because I don't have all the answers... Only He does!  This reformation has been taking hold in many areas of my life- marriage, parenting, family relationships, prayer and bible times, worship, ministry, evangelistic ideals, and my own personal fears of the unknown...  Does anyone else feel me here- do you have fears of the unknown?  
Jesus has truly been reshaping my heart to practice trusting Him more fully when I am faced with the unknown!  Truly, whenever I do trust Him openly and unashamedly through the unknown, He is faithful and never leaves me alone.  God is good- all the time!  Do you believe that?  I pray you will taste and see His goodness too :)

So, to finish the story of my break down and sickness yesterday- I am excited to say that I am miraculously better today!  Also, by Gods amazing workings, my hubby came home early at 1pm (I didn't even tell him I was sick) it "just worked out that way" and he let me take a lovely nap.  Then as a family we were able to spend a restful afternoon together, tinkering on little projects and cuddling as we talked on the couch. 

I don't know why God allows things to happen the way that they do, but I am so very grateful He stays with us every step of the way!  Oh that I would truly seek Him and remember my need for Him all the time.  May you and your family see His blessings as you trust Him through the unknown...  even when things look bleak...  May His light shine brightly in your heart and all around you!

"... Try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. 
...Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 
making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 
Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is."
(Ephesians 5:10, 15-17 ESV)

By the way, here is a "Bekah version" about what I understand to be the history on the word Halloween; for those of you who are curious.  I just discovered that it means Hallowed Evening because it's the evening before all saints day.  As you may know, in different cultures (for example the Jewish culture) a special day is actually celebrated from sundown to sundown (a full 24 hour period) rather then our western ways of celebrating a special day from sun up until sun down, the evening is when the special day is first recognized.  All saints day, as a Catholic holiday, is a day to remember those who have died in The Lord.  And therefore, as I like to remember also, will be risen to life with Jesus when He comes again.  
The name All Hallowed Evening was shortened to Hallows Even over the years, then Hallowe'en...  And finally Halloween as we know it today!  
Anyway, I just thought that all of this was fascinating, so I wanted to share.  It also made me really want to start saying Happy Halloween- because it's basically like saying happy holy evening (similar to happy holiday- which means happy holy day).  Everyday is truly holy when we remember and celebrate Jesus- His life, His death, and His resurrection!  It's so awesome that we have special days every year to mark all three of these events: Christmas for Jesus' birth into life, Halloween to remember His death and all those who have died in His name, and Easter to celebrate Jesus' amazing return to life and then heaven, where He is now preparing a place for those who trust in Him!  May you trust Jesus and celebrate Him too, today and always :) Happy Halloween!!!

"For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland." (Isaiah 43:19 NLT)

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