Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Saphira Nadine's Birth Story

After three weeks of hibernating away, I thought I would finally post again.  God is good!  My baby girl is here :) also, my family and I are all changed for the better since her arrival.

This story is the best I can do for now of a short summary on Saphira's birth- it was such a crazy whirlwind adventure!  I may add more details later, but these are the initial thoughts I've been able to jot down.  Praising God today and always for His blessings:


When my third contraction hit at 12:50am, I had an inkling that labor was actually starting, but it wasn't until almost an hour later when I realized things were getting more intense faster then they had with my first labor.  Even two hours into my three hour labor though, I don't think either Jer or I thought that meant our baby was going to come quite as fast as she did!  So we were pacing ourselves for a longer haul- maybe like 10 hours or so.  Boy were we headed into a surprise!

As we laid big brother Nico down in the bedroom with my sister, his auntie Bethie, he started crying and getting upset so I tried to lay down next to him and comfort him.  My contractions were so hard though, I was breathing like a crazy person trying to focus and relax through them.  Beth told me later that she sure was hoping my contractions weren't easy ones at that point because they looked really hard and my face squinted with pressure in the shadows across from her.

I tried to sneak out of the room but Nico didn't stay asleep!  As much as I wanted to lay down and comfort my first little boy, my body was telling me I needed to get out and get focused again.  So I left Nico with Bethie and Jer in the other room, letting them care for him.  

Meanwhile my mom had been trying to call the midwives but my phone was being weird and it wasn't letting her get through to their pager.  I could hear my mom talking and trying to figure out my phone as I felt the urgent need to spread out my birth blanket across the bed.  I started feeling like I was going to make a mess everywhere so it was a relief to have a place to spread out on.

While facing a few contractions in my room on my own, I could feel my body writhing as I started to actually get a rush of panic (I'm thinking this was while I was going through transition) and I quite literally cried out to God!  As I did so, I was reminded that I wasn't alone and I heard myself repeat over and over "God is with us."  As I pictured speaking to Saphira, I felt a beautiful peace cover us as the contraction ended.  Truly God was with us and that was exactly what I needed to remember!

Mom came to check on me and I said I was good but that the contractions were hard.  Jeremy came in and out trying to get the birthing tub in the room.  My contractions felt closer together- short, but strong.

Pretty sure it was the next contraction, after everyone had walked out again, that I tried pushing and it actually felt good!  Jeremy was getting the plastic for the floor but my mom walked through the room to check on me again and I told her with shock and excitement: "I think I just tried pushing."  As I look back now, I can see a flash of panic in her eyes, but she responded calmly with an: "okay Bekah, just do what your body is telling you to do." 

My mom was quickly rushing about.  Jer came in and started laying out some plastic on the floor for the birthing tub.  I just looked at him in between contractions and said "She is coming!  There's not enough time!"  

The midwives called back right around this time and we updated them on where I was in labor, they quickly told Jeremy they were on their way but that he should probably call 911 just to have some medical expertise on hand.  Overhearing all this, I started muttering about how I wanted a water birth and I didn't want to go to the hospital!  My mom walked through again and I moaned "I think I'm going to die.  Pretty sure I felt that way only because I refused to try pushing on that next contraction.  She firmly reminded me that I was not going to die but that I should go along with my body, after all it had done this before!  With her positive reminder I pushed again on the next contraction and my water broke.  

Everything rushed quickly after my water broke!  On the next two contractions her head crowned and then she was out- it felt like she flew- and my mom attested to the fact that she practically did fly out because her two hands pushed forward from either side of her head as she came into the world.  My mom caught Saphira with her bare hands at about 3:10am and exclaimed later on that her head felt just like velvet.  All I could do was laugh with shock and joy that my baby girl was actually here!


More excitement happened after this, but I will spare you any more details for now.  We are happy to have Saphira here- healthy and thriving!  Hallelujah :) Ten pounds and already wearing 3 month old clothes- that's my baby girl.

Happy 3 weeks little lady!!

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